Holistic, Integrative & Transpersonal Psychotherapist

Psychotherapist, Shamanic Practitioner & CLINICAL SUPERVISOR in Uckfield

On the power of many:

In our society, it is easy to feel isolated, lonely and discouraged from exploring the other. It may be not just part of our systemic needs but a constructed culture that enhances separation rather than connection. Observing how the connection to our family members, neighbours, and communities has been shrinking and feeling alien year by year is peculiar. In a world where connecting with another comes in the form of a mediator/ device, it creates a debate about how are we “human beings” going to be able to relate to one another without these mediators and how we are going to address the increasing isolation that as individual we are feeling.

It is bizarre to see that over the last 30 years, we have stopped relying more and more on people in exchange for relying more on our phones and social media. I wonder if that tendency has more or less to do with the current epidemic of depression across the developed capitalistic countries around the world.
It is as if we are forgetting the strength and meaning of “being” with another, feeling closely what another feels by seeing them, by sensing their energy field, even if that is the natural way of people. We are social beings; we evolve and thrive in connection and community; happy relationships are the stronger sign of happiness (found and defined by many studies in the field of wellness).


As a holistic therapist, one of the areas that I explore with my clients is their relationships, the quality of those connections, and the strengths of those relationships. That will give me an opportunity to reinforce the natural force of feeling part of many.
Hari om tat sat.  

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how psychotherapy, shamanic healing or clinical supervision works. This enables us to discuss whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

You can also call me on 07580205575 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. Alternatively email me to yessica.vilar@protonmail.com.

To book your appointment online, please click the button below.

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