Holistic, Integrative & Transpersonal Psychotherapist

Psychotherapist, Shamanic Practitioner & CLINICAL SUPERVISOR in UCKFIELD-SUSSEX

On What is Vedic Counselling:

After many years of practising Psychotherapy and counselling skills in group and individual sessions, I found the perfect way to unite my profession with my spiritual path and direction in life. Vedic counselling has given me a new trajectory in my approach to psychotherapy and an integrative model where aspects of body, mind and soul can be explored and opened for the benefit of the client. But what is Vedic counseling...

Within Vedic counselling, the practitioner is involved in a deeper awareness of the client's reality. This awareness is connected with knowledge and understanding of the Vedic philosophy and way of life.

Although Vedic counselling is not considered a psychotherapy model in the modern or Western tradition, it is indeed a psychological model in essence. Trying to set Vedic counselling in a framework of contemporary psychology is similar to transpersonal psychology in the sense that it takes into consideration the body, mind, and soul of the individual as fundamental parts involved in the process of actualisation, healing, or self-awareness.

Vedic counselling is directly connected to the wisdom of the Vedas, particularly Vedanta, which is the essence of the Vedas.

Within this discipline, Vedic counselling focuses on different areas of the functioning of the person, which are also linked to different arts in the Vedic tradition. These are:

Vedanta (particularly Advita/ non-dual for this course, but not exclusive to it) is the philosophy or root of the practice of self-awareness and self-enquire (for both the client and primarily for the counsellor as a starting point).

Ayurveda as the path of healing the material body and the mind of the client. This science will include aspects of nutrition, herbalism, current patterns of sleeping, eating…

Yoga is a discipline connected with the use and practice of physical exercises (asanas) that can help the client connect with their ailments of the body and mind and support the client in finding stillness in the body to pursue the practice of meditation or self-enquiry. Yoga is also connected to the eight limbs or eight aspects that guide our lives/ journeys according to the dharma (or justice/ divine laws).

Jyoti or Vedic astrology is the science that can support and facilitate information for the counsellor about the time and karmic implications for the client based on the position of the planets and stars on the precise day/ place and time of their birth.

Vastu is the study of the space in which the person or client is and how to make use of the knowledge associated with the “good” or “dharmic” use of the environment as a way of healing.

Throughout the process of supporting another person, the Vedic counsellor has the responsibility and duty to be involved in her or his own spiritual journey and to have an understanding of Vedanta and Vedic knowledge. It is important that the counsellor takes the responsibility of looking at their own shadow/ trauma/ patterns… before engaging with another person.

Within Vedic counselling, the practitioner has a holistic understanding of the person (not just as part of the identity given in this material body but also as part of the higher self) and the laws that affect individualised souls on their way back to the connection to divine energy (Atman or Brahman, depending on the level in which we relate to the Self).

I hope the reader can appreciate my humble effort to simplify and make this concept more accessible to all, making clear that I do not hold any authority or claim any deeper wisdom of the Vedanta other than my own experience and exploration over the years.

Hari om Tat Sat 

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how psychotherapy, shamanic healing or clinical supervision works. This enables us to discuss whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

You can also call me on 07580205575 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. Alternatively email me to yessica.vilar@protonmail.com.

To book your appointment online, please click the button below.

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