Holistic, Integrative & Transpersonal Psychotherapist

Psychotherapist, Shamanic Practitioner & CLINICAL SUPERVISOR in UCKFIELD-SUSSEX

Shamanic Healing

Soul retrieval

It is one of the most effective healing tools available for shamanic practitioners. It is an act of bringing lost life force back from the time and place where it has been originally lost. Soul loss occurs mostly during a traumatic event which causes part of the life force to leave the energetic body – loss of the soul part. It's different from psychotherapy which encourages the client to deal with the trauma.

Shamans heal the trauma in a trance and in the place where the trauma happened and bring back the life force – the soul part which has been healed. The client does not have to revisit painful, traumatic events as such, but they will achieve insight into the cause along with the possibility of reclaiming the lost part, applying teachings learned and rewriting a new life contract from the healed side of the soul.

Shamanic death and rebirth

The Shamanic Rebirthing Session is an Andean Cosmology-based process in which you and the practising Shaman work together to sense or move through experiences of your life, releasing and transmuting any connection to loss, trauma, or other experiences that have created energetic blocks, moving in time from the present to the time of your conception. Through the process, you may work with helping spirits, guides or loved ones, guided by the practitioner to provide a healing and compassionate conversation with them. Every shamanic rebirthing session is unique as we are working with YOUR soul and spirit. 

From an energetic perspective, dense energies or loss of energies present since our birth and conception prevent us from moving forward freely, living to our true potential, the full expression of our soul self. Generally, this energetic density or loss happens during highly stressful and traumatic experiences: death, accident or physical trauma, depression, lost memories, job loss, etc. When the stuck energies are transmuted and released, your essence is filled with the most refined energies; you will feel a new sense of joy and renewal, a sense of rebirth. 

After the rebirth, time will be dedicated to exploring ways in which the client can integrate the information received through the session and incorporate it into their new sense of self.

Despachos and ceremonies

Despacho is a ceremonial offering of our intentions and prayers to Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the Apus (Mountain Spirits) in the tradition of the Peruvian Andes. In the spirit of Ayni (meaning reciprocity), it’s about being in harmony with nature and giving an offering in order to receive, a powerful and lovely way to show our appreciation and gratitude through our prayers to the powers that be.

Despacho ceremonies are performed regularly in Peruvian culture; when there’s a marriage, a birth, a death, a new house, a new job, working with ancestors, the celebration of the seasons or any event worth commemorating.

The Despacho ceremony takes participants into ritual space and operates at the soul level. As the shaman adds gifts to the mandala of the Despacho, the participants focus their intention on gratitude and blessing, and the vibration of the circle elevates. The ceremony becomes a living prayer that touches all who participate. This ceremony is performed as a commitment to the natural world to partner with it, to be its caretaker, and to express love and gratitude in every action.

Entities and dense energies realise

The cleaning of dense energy, called Hoocha in the Q'ero (Peruvian Andes) tradition, is one of the essential parts of the work of a shamanic practitioner. Hoocha gets stuck not just in the material body or space but also in the energy field.

The cleansing process establishes the beginning of healing in the three levels, and it is a good practice of housekeeping for the client. The process can take different forms, which vary based on the client, and the object of cleansing, but can take the shape of rituals using rattles and essential plants from eh Q'ero tradition, using the voice or breath of both the client and practitioner.

Using this method, the practitioner can look for psyche daggers or harmful intentions installed in the client's energy field by others intentionally or unintentionally. This work, in time, leads the client to think about their relationships and the possibility of cutting cords with toxic people in their lives.

This method also provides a chance to clean the physical space of dense or disharmonious energy. House cleansing is very common in the Peruvian tradition and is recommended any time that the client moves house, a traumatic event happens in the space or before the arrival of new members into the family home.

The extraction of entities or elements is another aspect of removing dense energies from clients. These entities or lost souls can be located in the energy field of the client without any malicious intention but nevertheless affecting the client in different ways. The extraction process is simple; it implies the recognition of the entity and the purpose of the shamanic practitioner to ensure the release of the energy from the client to a rightful and appropriate home for the entity.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how psychotherapy, shamanic healing or clinical supervision works. This enables us to discuss whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

You can also call me on 07580205575 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. Alternatively email me to yessica.vilar@protonmail.com.

To book your appointment online, please click the button below.

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